Jenna Lechner


Jenna Lechner

Pentel Creator Collective

jenna lechner_headshot_yellowsweater

"Nature-inspired illustrations about food and horticulture"

Jenna Lechner is an illustrator and art instructor based in Portland, OR. She has worked as a professional illustrator for the last 10+ years and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Oregon. Working in traditional media like watercolor and ink, she crafts nature-inspired illustrations about food and horticulture, and explores issues around the environment and how humans create a sense of place.

JENNALECHNER-6363781558206464-JENNA LECHNER TRAVEL OREGON ILLUSTRATION IN HANDS.JPG.JPG__PID:db249eae-b35b-47dc-8699-1f9f7722adb9JENNALECHNER-5695610635452416-PENTEL WATERCOLOR PENCIL 2.JPG.JPG__PID:08c6db24-9eae-435b-a7dc-46991f9f7722
JENNALECHNER-4858606645444608-JENNA LECHNER OWLS OF OREGON PRINT ON TABLE.JPG.JPG__PID:625708c6-db24-4eae-b35b-67dc46991f9f


She loves to create maps, patterns, and educational materials; she also has a soft spot for ethnobotany, heritage crafts, and vintage print ephemera.

JENNALECHNER-4771788612730880-JENNA LECHNER WILLAMETTE VALLEY OREGON MAP.JPG.JPG__PID:07625708-c6db-449e-aeb3-5b67dc46991f
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Jenna’s illustrations have been featured on a wide range of projects, including: stationery, books, wallpaper, advertisements, retail store window displays, packaging, and more. Some previous clients include: Adobe, Hachette Book Group, Ski Magazine, Travel Oregon, Pentel Arts, and others.

JENNALECHNER-6679338711023616-WATERCOLORWOLVERINEJENNA LECHNERARTIST.JPG.JPG__PID:9eaeb35b-67dc-4699-9f9f-7722adb9b336

Follow Jenna

JENNALECHNER-5822456530239488-JENNA LECHNER TRAVEL POSTER ILLUSTRATIONS.JPG.JPG__PID:c6db249e-aeb3-4b67-9c46-991f9f7722ad
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You can find Jenna’s work on Instagram @jennamlechner, and on her website:

Website • Instagram

Featured Products

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Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 36-Pack
Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 36-Pack

Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 36-Pack

Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 24-Pack
Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 24-Pack

Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 24-Pack

Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 12-Pack
Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 12-Pack

Pentel Arts Watercolor Pencil Set - Assorted Colors, 12-Pack

Water Colors, Set of 24
Water Colors, Set of 24

Water Colors, Set of 24

Water Colors, Set of 18
Water Colors, Set of 18

Water Colors, Set of 18

Water Colors, Set of 12
Water Colors, Set of 12

Water Colors, Set of 12

Sign Pen® Brush Tip - Black
Sign Pen® Brush Tip - Black

Sign Pen® Brush Tip - Black

Pocket Brush Pen with 2 Black Refills
Pocket Brush Pen with 2 Black Refills

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