Student Ambassadors

A few years ago, Pentel launched its Student Ambassador Program on a handful of colleges and universities with a mission to bring the brand to life on college campuses and share the tools students could use to express themselves.

The program has now expanded to a diverse blend of campuses across the United States. On this page, you can discover the products PSAs (and fellow students) love! From class notes to fashion designs to architectural layouts, these student faves are college must-haves.

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About PSA

Pentel Student Ambassadors are in how many campuses across the US?

PSAs promote self-expression, creativity, and imagination through Pentel products

We're building a community of users who are using Pentel products to reimagine their world

PSAs generate inspirational content to make a positive impact in their communities

Student Picks

Below are some of our PSA’s favorite products, plus curated selections from students across the country. 

See All Products
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Meet the Ambassadors

Outgoing, creative and motivated students serve as Pentel Student Ambassadors (PSAs) each school year, acting as the face of Pentel on their campuses. Through a mix of live events and social media content, our PSAs show how Pentel provides perfect tool when creative inspiration hits as well as any school supplies to get you through the semester!

Join Us

Janelle Liang

University of Hawaii

Marina Maldonado

DePaul University

Raymonii Cowan

Rhode Island School of Design

Amelia Cato

University of Arkansas

Mariah Booher

Ohio State University

Emma Polinsky

Yale University

Emma Gates - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.JPG__PID:d194c367-ad71-45bf-bab5-9782c35913c1

Emma Gates

University of North Carolina

Sreesriya Vempati - University of North Texas.jpg__PID:86592865-7f23-4c77-aec9-5a27f52812e4

Sreesriya Vempati

University of North Texas

Quyen La - University of Houston.jpg__PID:92636d51-b886-4928-a57f-23cc776ec95a

Quyen La

University of Houston

Liana Tai - Virginia Commonwealth University.jpg__PID:9782c359-13c1-4263-ad51-b8865928657f

Liana Tai

Virginia Commonwealth University

Fatimah Avendano -Louisiana State University.jpg__PID:94c367ad-71a5-4f7a-b597-82c35913c192

Fatimah Avendano

Louisiana State University

Disha Patel - Indiana University - Bloomington.jpg__PID:ad27ead1-94c3-47ad-b1a5-bf7ab59782c3

Disha Patel

Indiana University

Annie O_Brien - George Washington University.jpg__PID:03fa575a-f3ec-4344-afad-27ead194c367

Annie O'Brien

George Washington University

Yadira Cabrera - Boston University.jpg__PID:657f23cc-776e-495a-a7f5-2812e406ee76

Yadira Cabrera

Boston University

Tanvi Sivakumar - University of Maryland, College Park.jpg__PID:5928657f-23cc-476e-895a-27f52812e406

Tanvi Sivakumar

University of Maryland

Sophia Smilenov - Washington University in St. Louis.jpg__PID:b8865928-657f-43cc-b76e-c95a27f52812

Sophia Smilenov

Washington University - St. Louis

Sandy Youssef - Carnegie Mellon University.png__PID:636d51b8-8659-4865-bf23-cc776ec95a27

Sandy Youssef

Carnegie Mellon University

Lauren Finch - Northern Arizona University.jpg__PID:b59782c3-5913-4192-a36d-51b886592865

Lauren Finch

Northern Arizona University

Laila Lacy - Spelman College.jpg__PID:bf7ab597-82c3-4913-8192-636d51b88659

Laila Lacy

Spelman College

Connor Bumgarner - West Virginia University.jpg__PID:446fad27-ead1-44c3-a7ad-71a5bf7ab597

Connor Bumgarner

West Virginia University

Christen Smith - University of Nevada - Las Vegas.jpg__PID:d3446fad-27ea-4194-8367-ad71a5bf7ab5

Christen Smith

University of Nevada

Camille Sealey - University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa.jpg__PID:ecd3446f-ad27-4ad1-94c3-67ad71a5bf7a

Camille Sealey

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa

Camille Miles - University of Wisconsin Madison.jpg__PID:f3ecd344-6fad-47ea-9194-c367ad71a5bf

Camille Miles

University of Wisconsin Madison

Ava Kaveh - University of Central Florida.png__PID:fa575af3-ecd3-446f-ad27-ead194c367ad

Ava Kaveh

University of Central Florida

Ana Wombacher - University of Nebraska Lincoln.jpg__PID:9c03fa57-5af3-4cd3-846f-ad27ead194c3

Ana Wombacher

University of Nebraska Lincoln

Vanessa Aguilar - University of Illinois Urbana Champaign_.jpg__PID:28657f23-cc77-4ec9-9a27-f52812e406ee

Vanessa Aguilar

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Otavio Tobias - Brigham Young University.jpg__PID:13c19263-6d51-4886-9928-657f23cc776e

Otavio Tobias

Brigham Young University

Malarie Enriquez - University of Hawaii, Manoa.png__PID:c35913c1-9263-4d51-b886-5928657f23cc

Malarie Enriquez

University of Hawaii, Manoa

Laura Egan - Vanderbilt University.jpg__PID:7ab59782-c359-43c1-9263-6d51b8865928

Laura Egan

Vanderbilt University

Kai Huntoon - Iowa State University.jpg__PID:a5bf7ab5-9782-4359-93c1-92636d51b886

Kai Huntoon

Iowa State University

Jordyn Padzensky - University of Washington - Seattle.jpg__PID:71a5bf7a-b597-42c3-9913-c192636d51b8

Jordyn Padzensky

University of Washington - Seattle

Jessica Barrera - University of Texas, Austin.png__PID:ad71a5bf-7ab5-4782-8359-13c192636d51

Jessica Barrera

University of Texas, Austin

Jenine Dalusong - Portland State University.jpg__PID:67ad71a5-bf7a-4597-82c3-5913c192636d

Jenine Dalusong

Portland State University

Henry Wang - Rutgers University.jpg__PID:c367ad71-a5bf-4ab5-9782-c35913c19263

Henry Wang

Rutgers University

Ellie Ngassa - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.jpg__PID:ead194c3-67ad-41a5-bf7a-b59782c35913

Ellie Ngassa

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Ellen Lee - University of California Los Angeles.jpg__PID:27ead194-c367-4d71-a5bf-7ab59782c359

Ellen Lee

University of California Los Angeles

Ava Poe - Mississippi State University.jpg__PID:575af3ec-d344-4fad-a7ea-d194c367ad71

Ava Poe

Mississippi State University

Sophia Guelles - University of North Carolina Greensboro.jpg__PID:51b88659-2865-4f23-8c77-6ec95a27f528

Sophia Guelles

University of North Carolina Greensboro

Sarah Breece - Savannah College of Art + Design.jpg__PID:6d51b886-5928-457f-a3cc-776ec95a27f5

Sarah Breece

Savannah College of Art + Design

Paige Beattie - Purdue University.jpg__PID:c192636d-51b8-4659-a865-7f23cc776ec9

Paige Beattie

Purdue University

Noelle D'Antuono - Fashion Institute of Technology.png__PID:5913c192-636d-41b8-8659-28657f23cc77

Noelle D_Antuono

Fashion Institute of Technology

Madison Mosley - Temple University.jpg__PID:82c35913-c192-436d-91b8-865928657f23

Madison Mosley

Temple University

Daisy Garcia - San Diego State University.png__PID:6fad27ea-d194-4367-ad71-a5bf7ab59782

Daisy Garcia

San Diego State University

Ava Studer - University of Cincinnati_.jpg__PID:5af3ecd3-446f-4d27-aad1-94c367ad71a5

Ava Studer

University of Cincinnati

Amya Henry - Howard University.jpg__PID:7f9c03fa-575a-43ec-9344-6fad27ead194

Amya Henry

Howard University

Amaree Love - University of Connecticut_.jpg__PID:257f9c03-fa57-4af3-acd3-446fad27ead1

Amaree Love

University of Connecticut

Michelle Cho - University of Minnesota.jpg__PID:9d23d4be-c57c-405d-9aab-eb7d4a0734f1

Michelle Cho

University of Minnesota

Feedback From Our Students

“ I came to Donna for the curation and quality of teaching. Membership is really worth it to me. “

Katrina Ashley

“ I understand that even if the work isn't perfect, it's still a work in progress. I think it's a safe space. “

Freddy Lopez

“ I came to Donna for the curation and quality of teaching. Membership is really worth it to me. “

Katrina Ashley

“ I understand that even if the work isn't perfect, it's still a work in progress. I think it's a safe space. “

Freddy Lopez

Blog Posts

Homemade for the Holidays

Homemade for the Holidays

Nov 18, 2021
Jason Cole

Pentel Sketch Sessions - Bullet Journaling with EnerGel

Pentel Sketch Sessions - Bullet Journaling with EnerGel

Feb 10, 2021
Jason Cole

This February, join the Pentel Student Ambassadors to learn about bullet journaling from an inking expert! 

Pentel Student Ambassador Coloring Book

Oct 08, 2020
Jason Cole

Ditch those 2020 blues and get to coloring! Relax, meditate, chill. The Pentel Student Ambassadors have got you!

Meet The Pentel Student Ambassadors!

Meet The Pentel Student Ambassadors!

Oct 07, 2020
Jason Cole

Join Our Community

Interested in becoming a Pentel Ambassador?

When you're ready, sign up using the contact form. We'll reach out with more information and get in touch with you to talk next steps. 

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